STAR NET Regions I&III Podcast
STAR NET Regions I&III Podcast
Preschool Inclusion in Illinois Episode 6: Implementing Preschool Inclusion: East Moline’s Journey Toward Inclusion
In this episode, we learn about the preschool inclusion journey from Melissa McCullough, Principal of the East Moline School District 37, Early Learning Center, Emily Ropars, Inclusion Specialist with Early CHOICES, Pam Reising Rechner, Inclusion Specialist with Early CHOICES, and Ann Kremer, Project Director of Early CHOICES
NAEYC & DEC Inclusion Joint Position Statement http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/DEC_NAEYC_EC_updatedKS.pdf
Indicators of High Quality https://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/indicators.asp
STEMIE https://stemie.fpg.unc.edu/
STEMIE Videos https://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/videos.asp
Compost Kate- Inclusion Infrastructure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8iAQTneyXI
What Makes Inclusion Work https://www.eclre.org/good-to-know/what-makes-inclusion-work/
Understanding Inclusion Modules https://www.eclre.org/good-to-know/understanding-inclusion/
STAR NET: https://www.starnet.org/
Early CHOICES: https://www.eclre.org/
ECTA: https://ectacenter.org/